
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Week 9 2018 NFL Picks Against An 11-Year-Old

After leading most of the season, The Kid has come back to the pack. He's still leading, but another good week from Uncle J has brought him within striking distance.

Week 8
Uncle J: 9-5
JDaddy: 9-5
CDog: 6-8
11-Year-Old: 5-9

11-Year-Old: 59-57-5
Uncle J: 56-60-5
JDaddy: 54-62-5
CDog: 49-67-5

Week 9 NFL Lines and Picks - 2018

GameJDaddyCDog11 Year OldUncle J
Oakland (PK) at San FranciscoOaklandSan FranciscoOaklandSan Francisco
Detroit (+5) at MinnesotaMinnesotaMinnesotaMinnesotaMinnesota
Kansas City (-8) at ClevelandKansas CityKansas CityKansas CityKansas City
Pittsburgh (+3) at BaltimorePittsburghBaltimoreBaltimorePittsburgh
Tampa Bay (+6.5) at CarolinaCarolinaTampa BayCarolinaTampa Bay
NY Jets (+2.5) at MiamiMiamiMiamiMiamiMiami
Atlanta (+1.5) at WashingtonAtlantaWashingtonWashingtonAtlanta
Chicago (-10) at BuffaloBuffaloBuffaloBuffaloBuffalo
Houston (+1) at DenverHoustonDenverHoustonHouston
LA Chargers (+1) at SeattleLA ChargersSeattleSeattleSeattle
LA Rams (-1.5) at New OrleansNew OrleansLA RamsNew OrleansNew Orleans
Green Bay (+5.5) at New EnglandGreen BayNew EnglandNew EnglandNew England
Tennessee (+5.5) at DallasDallasTennesseeTennesseeDallas

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