
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week 11 2018 NFL Picks Against an 11-Year-Old

The Kid took a step back in Week 10, but not enough to give up the lead. But it's now a close race as we head into the final stretch of the season!

Week 10
JDaddy: 8-5-1
CDog: 7-6-1
Uncle J: 6-7-1
11-Year-Old: 5-8-1

11-Year-Old: 72-70-6
JDaddy: 71-71-6
Uncle J: 71-71-6
CDog: 62-80-6

Week 11 NFL Lines and Picks - 2018

GameJDaddyCDog11 Year OldUncle J
Green Bay (+2.5) at SeattleGreen BaySeattleSeattleGreen Bay
Carolina (-4) at DetroitCarolinaCarolinaCarolinaCarolina
Dallas (+3) at AtlantaDallasAtlantaDallasDallas
Cincinnati (+4.5) at BaltimoreCincinnatiCincinnatiBaltimoreBaltimore
Minnesota (+3) at ChicagoChicagoMinnesotaChicagoMinnesota
Philadelphia (+8) at New OrleansNew OrleansNew OrleansPhiladelphiaPhiladelphia
Tennessee (+2.5) at IndianapolisTennesseeIndianapolisTennesseeTennessee
Houston (-3) at WashingtonWashingtonWashingtonHoustonHouston
Tampa Bay (+1) at NY GiantsTampa BayTampa BayNY GiantsNY Giants
Denver (+7) at LA ChargersLA ChargersLA ChargersLA ChargersLA Chargers
Oakland (+4) at ArizonaOaklandArizonaArizonaArizona
Pittsburgh (-5.5) at JacksonvillePittsburghPittsburghPittsburghPittsburgh
LA Rams (-2.5) vs. Kansas Cit LA RamsKansas CityLA RamsKansas City


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